Monday, February 28, 2011


Bobo is a little has frightened eyes (pg 1068) not too prosperous, business suit. Bobo made a deal that didn't work between himself, Willy, and Walter. Major action was telling Walter that all the money is gone. What motivated him was trying to do business with Walter and Willis to try and get a liquor license. He was honest about the action but didn't know how to tell Walter about the issue. Emotional Characteristics was being affected by loosing the money. I compared him to Chris Tucker not really because of his height but because of the eyes expression Chris Tucker shows. 

Karl Lindner

Karl Lindner was the chairman committee in Clybourne Park.  He is somewhat labored in his manner (pg1065).
He also looks after special community problems. He claims that the most trouble in the world is because people don't sit down and communicate with each other(pg1066). A reaction that I didn't like from Lindner was when he said that why where the Younger's going to move into a neighborhood that they aren't wanted. I compared him to Bruce Willis because he looks professional and he has a great attitude. 

George Murchison

George Murchison is an arrogant and selfish college boy who tries to seduce Benethea with his ignorance. On the other hand, Benethea gets turned off. There were times when he made her feel comfortable by saying that he liked her new look. They dated but not for long. After reading the section with George, he sounded as if he was  better than everyone else. His motives were to try to have the right kind of woman and he also wanted to accumulate wealth. All African American could be accepted by the society.
I compared him to Ludacris being that in the play George was described as a college boy who dressed well. Therefore, Ludacris came to mind because he is a young actor and I like the way he dresses.

Joseph Asagai

Joseph Asagai is Nigerian. He is polite, respectful (pg 1052) He is dramatic looking and charismatic. Asagai motivates his attraction to Benethea and he's very compassionate  to change but very direct. He wanted to marry Benethea and take her to live with him to Africa. On page 1071 I liked a section where he stated his feelings. " I will go home and much of what I will have to say will seem strange to the people of my village. But I will teach and work and things will happen, slowly and swiftly. At times it will seem that nothing changes at all...and then again the sudden dramatic events which make history leap into the future." He was trying to prove to Benethea that she shouldn't hate her brother for what he did with the money. He seemed like a great guy with a good head on his shoulders.
I compared Asagai with Terrence Howard because of his personality. Howard is a great actor and he came to my mind as I was reading the play.   


Ruth is a pretty looking lady dissapointed how her life turned out. She's was a mother of a and a wife for 11 years, who wanted to keep her family together. Although her husband belittled her she still had the strength to keep going with her duties of a wife and a mother. Ruth wants the best for her son doesn't want him to be spoiled. She was a domestic worker in people's kitchen. Major action was giving a five dollar deposit to get an abortion. Emotional character was being affected by outside circumstances. What motivated her was heeping her family together specially through rough times.
I chose Jada Pinkett Smith to be a similar character of Ruth because of her personality and her looks. Jayda has children she cares for them and is a good wife to her husband Will Smith. She is also a beautiful lady just like Ruth.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mama (Lena Younger)

Mama is a strong woman in her early sixties. She is full of strength and very beautiful although she is widowed. She's a domestic worker. She bought a house in a white neighborhood. Heer goal was to see her family grow.She was in the middle class striving to stay in the middle class.Her meagerness allows her to gamble.Things that motivated her was the plant. and to nurture her family. She tried to raise her children with dignity and respect as a single strict mother. Mama spoiled her grandson.  


Beneatha is about 20 years old,slim/slender. She's not as pretty as the sister in law. She's defensive and can be rude at times.In addition, easily distracted, unrealistic dreams.Immature but very mature at times.Beneatha is not religious at all. She was willing to expand into history and tried to find her identity. Her motivation was to suceed without the need of a man.She also was going to school to become a doctor.Beneatha's major action was cutting her hair and what if she doesn't get married. I chose Halle Berry as the actress similar to Beneatha because Hally Berry is young and she came to my mind as I was reading the play in the section where it said the Beneatha cut her hair. Hally Berry is a pretty girl.